Moving forward, and upward. The journey to lasting change.
The Families and Workers Fund was the first national, multi-donor pooled fund dedicated to helping those most affected by the economic wrecking ball that was COVID-19: low and middle income families and workers.
With our roots in rapid response and our impact strategy now dedicated to shifting the systems that made millions so vulnerable in the first place, we are able to take advantage of the many opportunities that are emerging in this rapidly changing context, while still maintaining our orientation towards critical, longer-term impact goals.
Through our “Recover Up” strategy, we aim to help deliver job pathways that enable economic security and mobility, leveraging billions in new federal and employer investments that have the potential to propel unprecedented scale.
Through our “21st Century Benefits” strategy, we are working to help repair and reimagine the public benefits system so that it better enables families to stay afloat and recover from crises, with an initial focus on unemployment insurance.
We know that philanthropy alone cannot fix these systems, so in addition to our funding we craft and manage partnerships with governments, businesses, and workers.
Please join us in surging to meet this moment and using our once-in-a-generation shot to create shared prosperity for all.

Collective action is the only way to tackle this problem
Our diverse co-funders pool their money and expertise to work together, along with our experienced team and partners, to help repair and reimagine the systems that fuel economic security and opportunity. Please join us.
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Contact us for larger contributions

Funder Collaboration
How we work together
Our co-funders belong to a collective that learns together, shapes shared goals, and helps to ensure we deliver our intended impact. Some have worked on issues of economic prosperity for decades, while for others this is their first time. We welcome everyone on this journey.
Co-funders contributing more than $500,000 will be able to allocate their contributions by impact goal. They can also get involved through a range of ways, such as by joining our Advisory Board or program committees to learn more about the issues, participate in joint grantmaking, and hear directly from frontline leaders, grantees, and other experts. Funders contributing at a higher level, both in dollars and time, may also have the opportunity to join our Executive Committee, which is the formal governance body that approves grant recommendations and guides the Fund overall.